參考內容推薦 — The free app that makes your Internet faster.

Now available for macOS and Windows. Millions of people secure their phone Internet connections with the WARP app today. We've extended the same protection to ...

How to configure Cloudflare's DNS service on ...

2023年3月15日 — Select the Manual option. Turn on the IPv4 toggle switch. Under the “Preferred DNS” section, specify the Cloudflare DNS address:

My laptop always use Cloudflare DNS. How do I remove it?

2023年8月18日 — Select IPv4, click Properties. Next remove Cloudflare server and allow to obtain DNS automatically. Repeat last two steps for IPv6.

Set up

Cloudflare's documentation. Contribute to cloudflare/cloudflare-docs development by creating an account on GitHub ... windows.md ... DNS server assignment and ...

Set up on Windows

2023年7月18日 — Take note of any DNS addresses you might have set up, and save them in a safe place in case you need to use them later.

Set up Cloudflare resolver

2024年1月17日 — To start using for your DNS queries, you will need to change the DNS settings in your device or router. Device or router specific guides.

【教學】教你設定Cloudflare 免費公共DNS「」,上網更快

2018年4月2日 — ... DNS 服務器. Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10. Windows 7/8:開啟「控制台」>「網絡和共用中心」>「變更介面卡設定」 Windows 10:開啟「設定 ...


什麼是1.1.1.1? 是由Cloudflare 營運的公用DNS 解析程式,它提供了一種快速且私密的方式來瀏覽網際網路。與大多數DNS 解析程式不同, 不會將使用者 ...

將Cloudflare 的DNS 記錄連線至Microsoft 365

2023年4月2日 — 瞭解如何在Cloudflare for Microsoft 驗證您的網域並設定電子郵件、商務用Skype Online 和其他服務的DNS 記錄。


NowavailableformacOSandWindows.MillionsofpeoplesecuretheirphoneInternetconnectionswiththeWARPapptoday.We'veextendedthesameprotectionto ...,2023年3月15日—SelecttheManualoption.TurnontheIPv4toggleswitch.Underthe“PreferredDNS”section,specifytheCloudflareDNSaddress:,2023年8月18日—SelectIPv4,clickProperties.NextremoveCloudflareserverandallowtoobtainDNSautomatically.RepeatlasttwostepsforIPv6...